The Great Lakes Group


The Finishing Touch

It has been a plea­sure to work on the USCG Cut­ter BISCAYNE BAY, the sec­ond of the USCG’s six (6) Great Lakes sta­tioned 140-foot Bay Class ice break­ing tugs to be dry­docked at Great Lakes Ship­yard. We are spend­ing this week putting the fin­ish­ing touch­es on the rou­tine main­te­nance project that included:

  • Hull Plat­ing and Ultra­son­ic Testing
  • Appendages and Leak Test
  • Shaft Seal Assem­bly and Overhaul
  • Rud­der Assem­bly, Remove, Inspect and Reinstall
  • Anchor Wind­lass, Lev­el 2 Inspect and Repair
  • Ver­ti­cal Cap­stan, Lev­el 2 Inspect and Repair
  • Propul­sion Shaft­ing, Remove, Inspect, and Reinstall
  • And Oth­er Var­i­ous Clean­ing, Inspec­tions, and Repairs

Photo Gallery

Below are pho­tos from the final week of work on BISCAYNE BAY.

Grinding & Stick Welding the Hull