The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Towing and Shipyard Celebrate 116th Year

Great Lakes Tow­ing and Ship­yard Cel­e­brate 116th Year with com­ple­tion of USCG Cut­ter BISCAYNE BAY dry­dock­ing and con­tin­u­a­tion of its major fleet over­haul program.

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny and Great Lakes Ship­yard will start cel­e­brat­ing their 116th year by putting the USCG Cut­ter BISCAYNE BAY back into the water using its 770-ton capac­i­ty Marine Trav­elift. The repair con­tract start­ed in ear­ly may includ­ed dry­dock­ing and rou­tine maintenance.

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny con­tin­ues work on Tug WYOMING, the 10th tug to be over­hauled and inspect­ed as part of The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company’s ongo­ing fleet over­haul pro­gram. Oth­er tugs includ­ed in the ini­tia­tive to date include: CALIFORNIA, IDAHO, ILLINOIS, IOWA, OHIO, SOUTH CAROLINA, PENNSYLVANIA, SUPERIOR, and VERMONT.



Our Upcoming 116th Year

Found­ed on July 7, 1899, the Great Lakes Tow­ing Company’s found­ing share­hold­ers com­prised a ver­i­ta­ble “Who’s Who” of the nation’s great indus­tri­al­ists of the day, includ­ing John D. Rock­e­feller, Jeptha H. Wade, and James R. Sin­clair, among oth­ers. Pop­u­lar­ly called “The Tow­ing Com­pa­ny” for its entire 115-year his­to­ry, the Com­pa­ny has been a sig­nif­i­cant marine oper­a­tions link in one of the major eco­nom­ic life­lines of North Amer­i­ca — the fourth sea­coast and the Great Lakes Sea­way Sys­tem. The Tow­ing Com­pa­ny has con­tin­u­ous­ly evolved to meet the chang­ing demands of the agri­cul­tur­al, steel, and con­struc­tion indus­tries, and the needs of the ships and tug/barge units, which serve those indus­tries. The Com­pa­ny, through its devel­op­ment of Great Lakes Ship­yard, found the way to con­tin­u­al­ly adapt and improve its ser­vices to the needs of each new day. As The Com­pa­ny stands upon the achieve­ments of its his­toric past, it also faces the future as a chal­lenge to be met with the full resources at its command.

Great Lakes Shipyard

