The Great Lakes Group


USCG Cutter MORRO BAY Drydock and Repair work at Great Lakes Shipyard

Unit­ed States Coast Guard Cut­ter CGC MORRO BAY (WTGB-106) arrived at Great Lakes Ship­yard for dry­dock­ing, inspec­tion, main­te­nance, and repair work in May 2018.  The con­tract includes hull, propul­sion and steer­ing sys­tem inspec­tions, as well as steel repairs, hull clean­ing and paint­ing. The ves­sel was hauled out using the Trav­elift.  Upon com­ple­tion of all work in late Sep­tem­ber, the MORRO BAY was launched is now back in service.

CGC MORRO BAY (WTGB-106) is a 140 foot Bay Class Ice­break­ing Tug home­port­ed in Cleve­land, OH. Unit mis­sions include Ice­break­ing, Home­land Secu­ri­ty, Light House projects, Law Enforce­ment, and Pub­lic Affairs. For more infor­ma­tion on the cut­ter, the Coast Guard’s Ninth Dis­trict, and more, vis­it their web­site.

The Ship­yard has per­formed work on var­i­ous oth­er USCG ves­sels.  To learn more about these sim­i­lar projects, explore the links below: